Episode 36: Are You Searching for More? You are Not Alone! Intro Chapter from Book #3
If you are tired of chasing standards that are imposed on you by others; if you are drowning in to-do lists that deplete your energy and maybe even your impact; or if you are swimming in negative thoughts and self-talk or seeking more meaning …You are not alone!
I, too, felt an internal tug for something more.
The pages in my new book include key findings, strategies, and insights to dig deep, release the guilt, and move toward my life’s work.
By doing this inside job, I found far more joy, alignment, and fulfillment.
Interested in a few more chapters – DM me or contact me through www.JJDiGeronimo.com!
Intro Chapter – JJ’s Next Book:
If you are tired of chasing standards that are imposed on you by others; if you are drowning in to-do lists that deplete your energy and maybe even your impact; or if you are swimming in negative thoughts and self-talk or seeking more meaning …You are not alone!
I am excited to meet you here. Even if you feel unsure about what to look for, what to change, or how to tap into your inner knowing, no worries. This is a time to get excited about the possibilities, as there is plenty of time to align your energy and impact.
I know this because I, too, felt an internal tug for something more. I was unsettled for years. In hindsight, I now recognize that my heart began pulling me more fiercely to pursue new insights beyond my day job and roles at home. I pushed the feeling away and tried to convince myself that I was FINE.
Yet, my inner turmoil did not quit! It pushed me to seek new conversations, new classes, and new books. Not everything was aligned and relevant, but throughout my seeking, I found new areas of excitement and new sources of energy that I call fuel stations. These new activities energized my inner self, and my soul, while my mind continued to chase external metrics such as work milestones, titles, and accolades.
Through my journey, I discovered I was not alone. And neither are you. Many women I meet are experiencing some level of misalignment because they are working on projects—or are tolerating relationships—that are draining their good energy and dimming their lights, preventing them from unleashing their life’s work.
Many may say, “When you are successful or when you get to a certain level at work or in life, you will experience bliss or joy.” However, this did not happen for me. Sure, I had moments of joy, but I also had hours of knowing that I was feeling less than full. Little did I know, I had a sprouting purpose from within that was not satisfied with my external striving and goals.
My internal guide, my soul, was seeking more alignment with my true life’s work. With this growing knowledge, I felt confident that if I did a little more seeking off the side of my desk, I could gain new insights about myself and my work.
The pages ahead are strategies and insights I used to align my energy for the future. I used it as a guide to dig deep into myself, release my guilt, and tap into more of my inner knowing. By doing this inside job, I found far more joy, alignment, and fulfillment.
Since we are so busy, it sometimes takes guidance from others before we discover what is often not obvious to us—that we are over-giving or over-doing for others, or we are misguided with our money, or we are drowning in self-doubt. The beauty in our situations, barriers, or experiences is that they are unique yet perfectly orchestrated for us to meet right here, right now.
Many of us know there is a bigger purpose for us than what we are living. My hope is that by sharing my journey, you may feel empowered to tap into your inner wisdom by listening to your whispers, recognizing the energy that depletes you, and working on releasing your stories.
In this book, you will find
- Ideas for how to explore your desires,
- Strategies for sorting out your options,
- Questions for discovering what obstacles may be holding you back, and
- Suggestions to help you energize your journey.
Your situations have brought you right here to these pages, which may:
- Awaken your inner knowing,
- Fuel your unique light,
- Expand your existing sphere, and
- Illuminate your path.
If you are here with me now, it is likely time for you to prioritize your inner knowing, which will lead you to a higher level of energy. Let’s spend time understanding what may be holding you back and finding the levers to pull that will move you beyond where you are now to increase your sphere of light and alignment.
Let’s explore ways to illuminate your path ahead from the inside out!
Keep an eye out for live discussions at www.TogetherWeSeek.Online