Episode 37: Women & Leadership Is What Called Me to Write Book #3: Seeking
When nudged by the Universe to write this book, my initial response was I’m not ready. That was followed with I still have more to learn. Yet after each women’s event where I was invited to present, I would share some of these insights and exercises, and the noticeable interest was reassuring, validating that women were ready to talk more about their self-doubts and fears. They were ready to be more vulnerable and more vocal about what they needed and what they desired. I saw this engagement as permission to share my journey, even if it expanded beyond career books, skill assessments, and emotional intelligence tests.
The conversations and experiences in these pages go beyond the professional and corporate strategies I have previously shared with my readers and communities. So, if you are familiar with my work, you may initially be surprised, yet I have found that I needed to go beyond the traditional methods of leadership for women to understand my internal barriers and gain new levels of insight.
Checkout all 3 books: http://jjdigeronimo.com/career-books-for-women
If you are asking yourself, “What is this all for?”, or “Now what?”, or “Is there more?”, then you are ready to embark on your next step of self discovery.
JJ DiGeronimo knows these feelings all too well. In Seeking: 74 Key Findings to Raise Your Energy, Sidestep Your Self-Doubts, and Align with Your Life’s Work, JJ unpacks the strategies that helped her infuse more purpose and meaning into her work and life. With short chapters, relevant stories, and specific questions, these pages create a space where you too can evaluate your choices, dig through your stories, embrace your gifts, and elevate your energy.
Accelerate Your Impact
Action-Based Strategies to Pave Your Professional Path
Many professional women aspire to advance their careers. Yet many encounter a sea of obstacles because they don’t have “the playbook” to navigate corporate cultures and organizational landscapes. In this book, JJ shares real-life examples of women leaders and the stumbles and successes their journey has encountered on their way to their perfect position.
Keynote & Webinar Topics:
- Women in Business, Career Strategies to Increase Your Impact
- Enhancing Your Professional Brand for Future Impact
- Aligning with Your Sponsors to Make Meaningful Connections
- Empowering Male Champions, Allies & Sponsors to Foster Diversity in Leadership
- Click Here for Virtual Events & Workshops
The Working Woman’s GPS
When the Plan to Have It All Leads You Astray
Are you plodding along stuck in the same old patterns? Has your energy up and left? Are you overworked and overcommitted? Do you let fear keep you from taking the very risk that could energize your life? JJ DiGeronimo realized that during her pursuit to achieve society’s plan for women she was led astray from her best self. She then initiated a life evaluation that effectively enabled her to recalculate her course. In this must-read book, JJ shares her story and the stories of many women who have worked through their plan to have it ALL!
Keynote & Webinar Topics:
- Finding Balance in Your Schedule
- Aligning Your Energy & Actions
- Quiet Your Inner Critic to Create More Fulfillment & Joy
- The Working Woman’s GPS