As a long time business professional in the IT environment, I find that women are still struggling to advance in the industry. In an effort to assist, I offer a few suggestions for CIOs interested in promoting women into IT leadership roles within their company and helping women to feel a valued part of their team:
- Promote women in IT
- Give them the opportunity to showcase their skillsets
- Give them the opportunity to lead
- Proactively build teams with diverse backgrounds and perspectives
- Empower leaders to emerge
A woman told me long ago; when you are looking at a new team or new company, look to see how many people in the leadership organizational chart look different than the top leader. If you can, align yourself to strong leaders that encourage and empower a diversity team.
Looking for more data and suggestions? Women in IT offer a variety of ideas and statistics about women in the information technology world. Visit Women in IT: The Facts for more information.