
Forbes Features JJ DiGeronimo: Women in Tech


Recently I had the opportunity to speak with Leo King, a reporter for Forbes specializing in cutting-edge technology.

We talked about the world of technology and the woman’s role in its advancement. We discussed where women are currently in the leadership of technology and how companies might diversify their staff to include more women.

This subject is a passion of mine; I strongly believe that we need to encourage, inspire and accelerate women in all elements of STEM. and I am honored to have this topic featured in Forbes.

Here is just a taste of the article. I invite you to read the entire piece and to spread the world.

Women in tech triumph are starting to unfold, as women working in the industry are fast becoming inspired to push their skills to success – in part following the breakthrough appointment of Google research star Megan Smith as America’s chief technology officer.

In spite of declining numbers of women pursuing technology degrees and then entering the workplace, and many workplaces somewhat lacking in diversity, women are increasingly pushing for success in the industry, keen to help shape the high impact of IT on business operations and customers.

This is according to JJ DiGeronimo, author and founder of several high profile organizations, including Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and Tech Savvy Women, that are geared towards helping women succeed in their careers. She tells Forbes that breakthrough appointments such as Smith’s inspire others by “highlighting women working in strategic positions in technology” as a result of their demonstrable skills. It is the latest stage of an ongoing change.

To read the entire article: Why This Woman in STEM Expert Foresees a Women in Tech Triumph.

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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

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