
Take On a Role You Are Not Qualified For


Looking for excitement in your job? Liz Wiseman, president of Wiseman Group and author of Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work, says you should take on a job you are not qualified for. She details this philosophy in the article How to Stay Excited About Your Career.

Liz assessed the jobs she’d had in her career to look for a time when she felt challenged and excited about going to work:

I began to see that the best jobs are often the ones we’re not “ready” for. In our rookie state a certain genius gets sparked and a learner’s advantage kicks in. When we are stretched beyond our current capabilities, we can tap into a different mindset—what I have come to call rookie smarts—where we perform at our best and revel in the thrill of learning.

If you’ve started to settle into your job, it might be time to take a role for which you aren’t fully qualified.

Yes, the idea of volunteering for a job that you aren’t qualified for may seem scary. It may even feel safer to stay in a role you know, even if you are no longer challenged. But if you want to advance in your career, you would be wise to take Liz’s advice.

We talked about this during a recent Relevant Conversation podcast. I call it developing your “risk muscle.”

We should all take on tasks that we have no idea how we will accomplish. Why?

  • We are able to learn different skills
  • We will connect with those who can help provide the information necessary thereby expanding our network
  • We will be recognized for our initiative and bravery
  • Once we have successfully completed the project, we can add this new skill to our resume
  • We will experience a boost in our self confidence

If you are interested in being noticed and positioning yourself for additional responsibility, new opportunities and even promotion – learning to flex your risk muscle is a MUST DO.

Liz also suggests that you borrow someone else’s job:

Borrow a job
If you can’t upsize your current role, try temporarily swapping jobs with a colleague in an adjacent area for a day or week. Use the exchange to gain new insights and bring renewed energy to your current job.

What if someone isn’t willing to take a chance on you? Then this might be one of those occasions when it’s best to just show up for the party rather than wait for an invitation. Don’t unilaterally seize control of a bigger job, but do take the initiative to work beyond the scope of your current job. Ask your manager what work you can take off her plate. Start small and prove yourself.

That’s a great idea. What ever way you to decide to take on a bigger challenge, this is the year for new possibilities. Trust in your own value and in your own abilities. You can do this! If you are looking for excitement in your career – it is time to take on a role you are not qualified for and learn something new!

IMG_5268cJJ DiGeronimo, keynote speaker for women, based in Cleveland, presents keynote addresses on women in leadership, diversity in business and advancement for women.

Check out JJ’s new book Accelerate Your Impact by downloading three free chapters.accelerate your impact

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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

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