How many have ever wished for more hours in the day? You know who you are – raise your hands. I just read an article by Karen Skidmore, entitled Not Enough Hours in the Day, that essentially scolded us for that though. Karen’s contention is that we aren’t using our time wisely. Harsh, but she has a point.
In my new book, A Working Womsn’s GPS – when the plan to have it all has led you astray, I talk about direction and purpose and goal setting. Karen is right – if you don’t feel like you have enough hours in the day – you have to look at how you are spending those hours.
Have you ever been part of a corporate work study where you have to log your actions for every minute of the workday? It is usually a test that is conducted over a two week period. If you have ever participated, you’ll know what I mean when I say that it is amazing how many minutes (minutes that add up to hours) are spent in a non-productive manner.
As a businesswoman, what is your direction? Are you focused? Do you have a plan or are you allowing the flow of life carry you along; sometimes you float easily and other times you struggle to keep your head above water.
Peter Bregman wrote an article that offers a plan for being focused in just 18 minutes a day. It is a simple three-step program
1. Plan
2. Refocus
3. Review
As a businesswoman, what tricks do you have for using time wisely and staying focused? How do you handle the circumstances when others interfere with your plans for the day?