
Aligning with Your Spiritual Gifts with Cathy Goulet


Join me and Cathy, a psychic healer and channeler as she shares her awakening that unveiled her gifts to heal. She now sees and feels everything as energy. So much so that many have called Cathy a Galactic Shaman!

She considers herself a wizard of reading, understanding, and moving energy.

With this, Cathy Goulet, Psychotherapist, Energy Healer, & Coach, loves to teach people how to find and use their gifts. The author of “Standing in Your Own Power,”

Cathy helps many have an amazing love relationships too. She specializes in individual/couples sessions and Vision Quest retreats. With her passion to empower, awakening, and ignite souls, I am honored that Cathy will be joining us to discuss a few ways people can reclaim their own life.

Cathy Goulet, Psychotherapist, Energy Healer, & Coach: https://cathygoulet.com/

Seeking – New Book: https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Findings-Energy-Sidestep-Self-Doubts-ebook/dp/B0BKLT67M2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=21YMON8ULDVOK&keywords=seeking+jj+digeronimo&qid=1674755134&s=digital-text&sprefix=%2Cdigital-text%2C163&sr=1-1 Website: www.JJDiGeronimo.com 

Join Live Discussions inside https://www.togetherweseek.online – where we explore energy practices to refuel, realign and rediscover our Life's Work

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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

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