As companies are condensing staff and asking more of their employees, it is difficult to dig out from under the task list to actively plan a career strategy, especially for women that have many demands outside the workplace. Often women are just trying to get done what is on their to-do list.
If you want to get ahead in the workplace it does take time and planning. It is helpful to think about it as you do a project:
- Outline your current situation
- Identify your future desire
- Create a roadmap to get from here to there
For women, I find an effective method is focusing on the desired skill with the goal of becoming an expert. Find something that is in demand and works to learn everything you can about it to strive toward being the go-to for this topic.
Some cutting-edge ideas to do this are:
- Utilize the Internet and Social Media. Read up on the topic and post it on your media sites with your own comments. After a few months of reading and posting it is inevitable that you will know much more than many on this particular topic.
- Hire experts to train you in person, or online via WebX or online chat. Find ways to dig deep into the details which will boost your confidence and give you the knowledge to shine.
- Write about your findings and work to get it online as a whitepaper or blog post.
- Join or build a group of people in this particular field. Building helps to build your credibility as an expert and with online tools within Social Media sites, this takes only a few minutes.
- Speak as often as you can at work or around your community.
- Contribute to others blogs.
- Share your accomplishments.
The goal is to standout beyond doing a good job with the tasks on your to-do list. To excel you must build a plan to spin your knowledge and effort into a personal brand that delivers quality results. So when you hear of a position or find a position you are interested in you can easily showcase your abilities, expertise and elevate your ranking in the stack of qualified candidates.
Remember to ASK for what you want. So frequently, women forget to ask. Once you have determined your goal and followed the steps to become a credible expert, make sure you let the powers that be know you are interested in advancement or taking on new challenges.