
Color Outside the Lines


As I was driving today I turned on the radio to hear Natasha Bedingfield’s song “I am Unwritten.” 

A popular song and for many an anthem of the possibilities of our lives.

Do you ever find yourself hemmed in by tradition? What would it feel like to color outside the lines? If you could break one habit in your life and do it like you want not like tradition says you should; what would that be? How would your friends and family react?

In my book, A Working Woman’s GPS you’ll find interviews with working women who have broken the mold, who have learned to become comfortable outside the lines of expected behavior. It has been that unique journey that has provided for them the definition of a successful life. It might not look like your idea of success, but that’s the point. Everyone’s idea of perfect looks different. As a kid, when you open a brand new box of Crayola Crayons with your best friend, you each reach for a different color. And that is okay.

You are unwritten.  The pen is in YOUR hand.  Not anyone else’s.  Will you color inside the lines?

For more tools and strategies – visit:  https://jjdigeronimo.thinkific.com/collections

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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

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