
Do You Have a
Hard Time Saying "No"?

Learn how to prioritize how you spend your time so that you can achieve maximum results in your career and life.

Join 100+ businesses using JJ's proven strategies to maximize their team's talents

The Power of No Bundle

If you want to get to the next step in your career and life, you have to change how and where you spend your time each day. The proven strategies inside the Power of No Bundle will quickly help you maximize your time and align you towards your desired goals.

Techniques to Organize Your Schedule for Professional Success

The more methodical you are about what sucks up your 168 hours a week, the more impactful you'll be.

This bundle will help you become hyper-aware of how you spend your time so that you can reorganize your schedule and put yourself on a path to move closer towards your goals in a fraction of the time.

Know if you're saying "yes" to the right commitments (for the right reasons)

Become crystal clear about your commitments and about your alignment to those commitments. With that in place, all of the fuzziness goes away and you'll know that your commitments are aligned with your goals.

Create an action plan to get where you want to go next

Most of the problem with managing your schedule comes from either a misunderstanding of or a loss of focus on your commitments. When you implement my simple strategies, it's impossible to lose focus on your goals.

Plan your daily schedule so you can achieve your goals with ease

Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

"I've already put saying 'no' to use. I wish I had the power when I was younger in my career!" - Sarah Ullman
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Not sure if this bundle is right for you?

Since starting my business in 2007, I’ve coached and spoke in front of hundreds of professional women. While their careers and lifestyles vary, the vast majority of these women are super busy, often juggling a challenging career and personal time. There is never enough time! Can you relate? I’m sure you’re probably stretched too thin as well.

At Work...

Your schedule is jam-packed with meetings most of the day, right?

It feels like a treat when you’re able to have lunch somewhere other than your desk. And then there are people constantly popping by your office unexpectedly taking up even more of your time. And though you’re more than happy to help (most of the time), it’s another example of how your time is not your own. You’d like to…

  • Minimize the busy work and actually hit your goals.
  • Stop feeling like you’re working hard but not getting ahead.
  • Look for more purpose in your work.
  • Get promoted (but aren’t sure how to move towards that goal.)   

And then there's your to-do list...

Why can’t we ever seem to cross everything off?

More tasks get assigned regularly or we foolishly volunteer for things because we think it will help us get ahead when in reality, it ends up being busy work. Now we have the company-wide picnic to organize on top of our normal workload. You’d like to…

  • Stop feeling depleted by your schedule.
  • Create more meaning in your life.
  • Actually work on requests that are worth your time. 
  • Align to your best self. 
Learn How to Leverage the Power of No to Take Back Your Schedule & Life
The tools inside the Power of No Bundle will help you maximize the use of your time so that you can make actionable progress towards your goals.

What's Inside the Bundle?

Enjoy a trio of resources that I’ve designed to help you take back control of your schedule and life.

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Meet Your Host

JJ DiGeronimo

JJ DiGeronimo is an executive strategist, author, and speaker who designs programs to advance women and consults senior executives on strategies to retain, attract and advance women in the workplace.

Through her keynotes, articles, and executive sessions, JJ shares effective strategies with women’s leadership groups across the country and in many organizations including Amazon, Dealer Tire, Ingram Micro, IBM, Microsoft, RIT, KeyBank, and Rockwell Automation. JJ began her career designing computer infrastructures for Fortune 500 companies after graduating with a computer information systems degree in 1995.

Prior to her recent work, JJ had a 20-year career in high tech, positioning new technology solutions to CIOs where she advanced into leadership positions within Silicon Valley-based technology companies including Accenture, Inktomi, and VMware.

Recognized as a thought leader for women in tech and girls and STEM, JJ is also a featured columnist for Smart Business Magazine. Her work is featured in many publications including Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Thrive Global. JJ includes these experiences — along with hours of research — in her award-winning book, “Accelerate Your Impact” which complements her 2011 book, “The Working Woman’s GPS.” She also hosts regular videos for professional women on her YouTube Channel, Tech Savvy Women TV.
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