Last week over 200 women and men gathered in New York for the Women’s Entrepreneur Festival. Amid a myriad of keynote speakers, workshops and hallway conversations, comments and opinions were shared via Facebook and Twitter. Huffington Post gathered the top 20 tweets that were shared via #WEfestival. Here are just a few of the inspiring messages:
@rchip123 says: It’s important to get away from discussing what women are NOT doing and talk more about what we are and can be doing. #wefestival.
@beth_goldman says: Have a really healthy relationship with failure…just look it in the eye and say “hey there”! #wefestival @curbed guy <<<— love this 🙂@academioflife says: ‘Breakdowns generally precede some incredible breakthroughs.’ #wefestival
Which got me to thinking. You only have 140 characters to share your opinion on Twitter – if you wanted to share an inspirational thought in just a few words – what would you say? Share your inspiration in the comments section below or on our Facebook Page.
To read more of the comments and learn about the festival visit the Most Inspirational Tweets of WE Festival.