We all pick up beliefs about ourselves from many sources – our family of origin and lineage, the events that happen to us especially earlier in our lives, and the meaning we make about those things in relation to ourselves and our world as a result.
The patterns that form can go on to underpin repeating unhelpful dynamics that appear in our lives, including our fears and anxieties. These can seriously get in the way of our success, happiness, and peace of mind.
Join as we discuss how PSYCH-K® uses the wisdom of your body to identify and transform subconscious beliefs/programs that are keeping you from experiencing more peace of mind and reaching your desired outcome.
Our Guest!
Sue Begent is a business and empowerment coach for ambitious women coaches and consultants who are ready to release their mindset and emotional blocks to success and create more ease, flow and a simple, achievable, step-by-step strategy to clients and income.
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