Women in Tech Archive
Women in Tech Blogs
Tech Girls are Super Heroes!
Jenine Beekhuyzen is an advocate for diversity in IT and has a long history of organizing and presenting at girls and computing events and visiting schools.
Women We Should Know – Mayim Bialik
Women still trail men in the fields of science and technology. Why is that? Have we failed to make science appealing to young girls? Are
Tech Savvy Women
“Computing is too important to be left to men,:” is a humorous quote offered to us by Karen Spärck Jones, Professor of Computers and Information at
Elinor Otto, Oldest Working ‘Rosie the Riveter’
Elinor Otto made a guest appearance on Ellen. Elinor continues to work on the manufacturing line, wielding a riveter for a job that she has worked
Project Management – 5 Lessons
I recently saw a quote floating around Twitter about the negative aspect of pulling the ladder up behind you as you crash through the glass
Helen Thomas: A Pioneer Woman on a Mission
Sadly, Helen Thomas passed way July 20, 2013, but she left in her wake, a legacy that all women (and men) can appreciate and admire.