111: Immune System Strategies E4: Wellness for Healers and Lightworkers: Roots, Remedies, and Ancient Wisdom with Sharon Ashcraft

111: Immune System Strategies E4: Wellness for Healers and Lightworkers: Roots, Remedies, and Ancient Wisdom with Sharon Ashcraft


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In this powerful episode of Together We Seek, JJ DiGeronimo and Sharon Ashcraft explore immune system strategies specifically designed for healers, lightworkers, and spiritual seekers

Sharon, an expert in natural healing, herbal remedies, and ancient wisdom, shares practical immune-boosting strategies to help you strengthen your body’s natural defenses using food, supplements, and daily habits. – This episode is packed with time-tested remedies that elevate your health and energy.

Key Insights:

  • Daily Wellness Practices
  • Ancient Immune Boosters 
  • The Right Supplements for Maximum Absorption

Immune-Boosting Supplements Mentioned:

📌 Liquid ZincDr. Mercola Zinc
📌 Zinc LozengesNature’s Way Zinc Lozenges
📌 Camu CamuZint Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder
📌 Elderberry for Immune SupportGaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup
📌 Oregano Oil for Antiviral SupportGaia Herbs Oil of Oregano
📌 Cat’s Claw for Immune & InflammationHerb Pharm Cat’s Claw
📌 Astragalus for Immune ResilienceHerb Pharm Astragalus
📌 Vitamin C for Daily WellnessGarden of Life Raw Vitamin C
📌 IP6 for Cellular Health & ProtectionNature’s Way IP6

🌿 Listen to boost your immunity, improve gut health, or explore herbal healing!

JJ DiGeronimo is an award-winning author, speaker, and intuitive guide dedicated to helping women trust their inner wisdom and align with their soul’s purpose. As the host of the Together WE Seek Podcast, JJ creates sacred spaces to explore lightwork, energy practices, and ancient wisdom with healers, mystics, and spiritual leaders. Through her authentic conversations, she empowers listeners to awaken their intuition, embrace their unique gifts, and elevate their frequency for a more impactful life.

SEEKING – JJ's New Book: Seeking: 74 Key Findings to Raise Your Energy, Sidestep Your Self-Doubts, and Align with Your Life’s Work

Website: https://jjdigeronimo.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/jjdigeronimo/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjdigeronimo/
Together We Seek: https://www.togetherweseek.online/

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