
Making Strategic Partnerships


Being strategic is one of my main focuses; in daily tasks, networking efforts and business plans, I believe that you must first have a specific direction or strategy before you embark on a journey for your career.

I was recently interviewed on the podcast Chatting With Experts and had the opportunity to share a few thoughts on making strategic decisions and strategic partnerships. 

The bulk of my interview consists of explaining how to use a chart (see below) I have created to help focus your efforts on what you do, the commitments you accept and help you develop a strategy for advancing your career. Click on the image below to access the PDF file of the chart.






Click here to listen to the entire podcast:  Chatting with the Experts: JJ DiGeronimo

Take your time when filling out the chart and know that it make take several attempts to hone down the information to a place that will allow you to begin making strategic decisions.

The first column, Commitments, will take the most time and effort. Try to get as specific as possible. Rather than listing:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Work

Really delve into the details of your actual daily commitments. It is when we get specific that we can determine if there are some tasks that can be delegated, thereby freeing up our precious time for more strategic efforts.

I invite you to reach out on Facebook with any questions, comments or examples of how the chart has been helpful to you. We can learn so much when we share information and insights. I look forward to hearing your stories.

IMG_8863JJ DiGeronimo, the President of Tech Savvy Women, advanced from entry-level positions into leadership positions within technology companies. Through her keynotes and executive sessions, JJ shares effective leadership and inclusion strategies to retain, develop and advance professional women. JJ includes these experiences in her book new book “Accelerate Your Impact” which complements her 2011 book, “The Working Woman’s GPS.”  JJ has been quoted in numerous publications including Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Fox Business.  She now shares her women in business expertise with Amazon, Ingram Micro, RIT, IBM, Clemson University, Symantec, VMware, Discover, KeyBank, and Cisco along with many other organizations.


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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

Free Tools for High-Impact Women


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